Suzie Merwine

Country music singer and songwriter Suzie Merwine announces the release of her latest album, "Bring The Woman Out In Me." This album is Suzie's answer to her highly successful first release, "For All The Folks Back Home."

The album, "Bring The Woman Out In Me," featuring songs now climbing the Independent music charts, is filled with Suzie's signature traditional country sound. It includes such ballads as "Bluest Heart In Town" and "Backdoor Of My Mind". In addition, Suzie includes some upbeat, foot-stomping tunes, like "Rattlesnake Jake" and "You & Your Baby Blues".

Suzie returned to Nashville, Tennessee to record "Bring The Woman Out In Me." There she was accompanied by musicians straight from the floor of the Grand Ole Opry. Each artist worked their individual talents into every song to produce a remarkable album filled with seventeen country hits. Yet one song remains the true pick of Nashville, "The Mind Of A Fool", in which Suzie ventures into the world of domestic violence.

Suzie first released "For All The Folks Back Home" in 1996. It was acquired by Aquarius Music of Vienna, Austria and continues to be promoted throughout Europe. Her hit, "Ticket To The Moon" was a long time member of radio charts.

Suzie, a lifelong native of the beautiful farm country in Effort, Pennsylvania, has written country lyrics since her teenage years. Because of the popularity and success of her first album, Suzie has become an affiliated writer for BMI and has started her own publishing company: Merwine's Publishing. For booking information contact Suzie Merwine at R.D. 2, Box 2076, Saylorsburg, PA 18353.

Visit Suzie at
(570) 992-7714

Record Promotion by:
Howard Vokes
P.O. Box 12
New Kensington, PA 15068

EDITOR'S NOTE: We are looking for other veteran traditional country performers to list and promote within this site. "Keep It Country" is also interested in posting information on anyone who helped develope and retain the roots of country music throughout the years. This could mean you, a family member, or someone you admire. Through this website, known and unkown recording atrists, performers, sidemen, songwriters, producers, record labels, venue owners, promoters, fans, etc. are all welcome to e-mail and submit their story to the world. It's your chance to brag without feeling guilty, because our readers are waiting to hear all about YOU! Thanks, Bob Timmers, site manager. - Start by contacting us with an e-mail today

